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What Home Buyers Should Review or Investigate

Make your next home purchase as smooth as possible by reviewing this "Advisory" from the AAR
Example of a house located in Tucson, Arizona

A real estate agent is vital to the purchase of any property and can provide a variety of services in locating a property, negotiating the sale, and advising buyers.

While a real estate agent is generally not qualified to discover defects or evaluate the physical condition of property, a real estate agent like the team at TR Realty can assist buyers in finding qualified inspectors and by providing the buyer with documents and other resources containing vital information about a prospective property.

Professional property inspections are absolutely essential: there is no practical substitute for a professional inspection as a measure to discover and investigate defects or shortcoming in a property. The attached “advisory” is supplemental to obtaining a professional property inspection and is designed to make the purchase of real property as smooth as possible by helping identify:

  1. Common documents a buyer should review
  2. Physical conditions in the property that buyers should understand
  3. Conditions affecting the surrounding area that the buyer should investigate

CLICK HERE to read this helpful document for new home buyers from the Arizona Association of Realtors.

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